Terms and Conditions

Rules and regulations for using Alpachi website services

Your trust is very important to Alpachi. For this reason, rules have been established in order to provide the best possible service to you dear ones. Using the website and services such as online shopping means full knowledge and acceptance of all rules and regulations.
Update rules
All the contents of this page can be changed at any time and Alpachi reserves the right to update or change the content of this page and the rules and regulations specified in it without prior notice. Users are required to periodically check this page to be aware of possible changes in the rules. Obviously, if the content of this page is updated, you will be informed of the new rules before finalizing the purchase.

General rules
The activities of the “Alpachi” online store are based on the laws and regulations in electronic commerce and in compliance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

All content and information available on the website such as logo, icons, texts, videos, photos, source code, script, services and services and data are the property of Alpachi website and any use of them is against The principles are professional and human and will be prosecuted. The use of robots, spiders, scrapers or other automatic devices to access the content of the site for any reason and purpose without obtaining written permission from Alpachi Collection can be pursued legally. It should be noted that the use of the materials published in the “blog” section of the website is prohibited, citing the source. 

User Account
Alpachi website respects and protects the information received from all people and customers who use the website services. In case of using Alpachi website services and making purchases from it, the user is responsible for protecting the username and password on all personal devices used. The user must use real and valid username and information to create an account, otherwise the offending user’s account will be blocked without warning.

The prices of all the products available on the Alpachi website are changed and updated due to factors such as price fluctuations in the market, which, despite the group’s wishes, depends on the economic conditions in the market and society. If for any reason custom delivery is not possible, the Alpachi website will notify the customer as soon as possible or the order will be canceled.

Online Payment
Alpachi website has provided the possibility of online payment for the customers to make their purchases easier. In very rare cases, there are problems in payments through bank portals, due to several reasons, such as temporary interruption in communication between bank servers and sites, disruption in the bank system. But a failed payment does not mean losing money. The banking portal guarantees that no money will be deducted from your account without any reason, therefore the Alpachi website has no responsibility for these matters and the user must follow up through the bank. If the person who ordered the goods and paid for them online, is inclined to deliver the goods to another person, he is obliged to specify the name and information of the recipient for the Alpachi website, otherwise Alpachi will be excused from delivering the goods. And the cost of resending will be borne by the customer.

Terms of ordering and sending orders
Terms of return or order cancellation

In case of problems, defects, mistakes in sending the goods and such cases (all products in the gift and accessory category), the matter is raised by the customer with the support section and the goods are sent to Alpachi. The evaluation team examines the problem set and issues raised and the result is announced to the customer. If the problem is confirmed, the product will be replaced or its cost will be returned to the customer within three working days. It should be noted that the declaration of any problem and dissatisfaction can be checked and valid up to a maximum of 5 hours after the delivery of the goods.